Ilona (odkaz Eleny Lackové)
This TV film searches for the destiny of Romany author Elena Lacková, using her literary output rendered by her own authentic voiceover in the Romany language and her memories which served as the basis for her book I Was Born Under a Lucky Star. The author’s story is presented in the narration of witnesses and through her great granddaughter, the actress Alžběta Ferencová. The parallel between the author’s life and her great granddaughter, who also pursued an artist’s career, crashes the stereotypes about the role of Romany women in our society and creates a very contemporary and transferable story. The life of Elena Lacková allows us to perceive both the Holocaust era, which she reflected in her work and the Communist totality. The author’s unprecedented emancipation creates one of the key motives of this film which represents the very first major attempt to reflect the destiny of this famous author in the field of documentary film as well as a movie about a strong woman.
Director: Vera Lacková
Script: Jana Ondrušová
DoP: Dominik Jursa
Producers: Jan Bodnár, Vera Lacková
Sound: Klára Jašková